Bitch motherfucker God Damn! Now I can see why Mariah backtracked over "Obsessed" and pretended that it wasn't actually about Em. He really went hard on this, and although I despise this loser I have to admit that he's really ripped her to shreds. I still don't know if their relationship really happened, but I did always suspect that it was true, and obviously after hearing this I believe it even more because so much fucked up shit must go on behind the closed doors of Hollywood, things we could never even imagine.
I still love and respect Mariah though because she's a lady, not a scumbag like Em, but I hope she doesn't do this "Oh it wasn't about him" bull, she needs to fire back. She has class so I think she'll turn the other cheek, but she needs to acknowledge this at least, she can't just act like her "Obsessed" video never happened. She needs to finish what she started. One positive to come out of this is that Mimi's underperforming new single is probably set to shoot up the charts now, and this is probably exactly what she needed to shoot some life into the "Memoirs..." era.
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